Friday, August 26, 2011

Pumpkin Farmers!

We have our first pumpkin! The boys are growing pumpkins to sell at Kristi's shop this Fall. They are SO excited about setting up their "pumpkin patch" and earning some money! This is a great sign that Fall is slowly getting here...can't come any sooner!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So Long Summer...

It has been a VERY fun summer for us all! We ended it with a trip to Beaver's Bend. We enjoyed going boating and tubing on the lake and relaxing in the cabin~ playing games and eating! The boys start First Grade tomorrow...they are now Stratford Bulldogs. It is a little weird that I won't be at school with them. We are so lucky they have two great teachers and are looking forward to a great school year!

 Two of my favorite pictures from Summer...

First time tubing!

Feeling a little brave...

Laughing the whole time!

Mr. Tough Guy

What a breathtaking sight! Looking forward to Fall and cooler temps.